AMEA case study on access to finance for cocoa producers

Access to finance is critical for agri-SMEs and farmer organisations to reach markets and operate sustainably. This requires increased levels of professionalism of agri-SMEs and farmer organisations so they are seen as reliable customers for financial service providers. AMEA provides a platform that enables stakeholders to learn, innovate, and scale up the most effective ecosystem approaches for supporting farmers according to their local contexts.


​​AMEA commissioned a case study to understand if the technical assistance and Business Development Services provided to cocoa producer organisations in Côte d’ivoire has enabled them to access finance. Additionally, this study highlights promising approaches to delivering segmented, targeted capacity development and explores the need for a database of cocoa producer organisations.

The case study is based on multiple, large-scale cocoa projects implemented by Cargill, IFC, IDH, CNFA, the Conseil of Café Cacao and the Ivorian government agricultural extension service body (ANADER). It includes an overview of the key factors influencing access to finance, the impact of technical assistance and recommendations for the sector.

In November 2022, the key findings and recommendations of the case study were shared with the National Technical Group on Professional Farmers Organizations (organised by the Local Network). Participants expressed great interest in the study and took part in discussions that will pave the way for the setting up of a BDS roadmap in Côte d’ivoire. The Conseil of Café Cacao also shared their ongoing pilot to support cooperative financial management.

Want to learn more about this case study or the AMEA Local Network in Côte d’ivoire? Contact our West Africa Regional Facilitator, Gregoire Agai.