Privacy Policy

AMEA and your personal data

This Privacy Statement sets out how we handle your personal data. You can be confident that we handle your personal data with due care. For that matter,we abide the rlies as set out in the General Data Protection Regliation (GDPR) and the privacy rlies as implemented in the Netherlands. We are the controller of your personal data: AMEA Keizersgracht 127 1015 CJ Amsterdam The Netherlands Chamber of Commerce number: 65992792 We will process your personal data, or that of your related individuals, when you visit our website and for carrying out business with you. For example,when we record and use personal data relating to contact persons at companies to which we provide services and with whom we are in correspondence. Further information concerning why we process data will be set out in this Privacy Statement.

Our contact person for your questions about data protection

If you wish to obtain information about your personal data processed by AMEA or if you wish to execute one of your rights you have under the GDPR, please contact We will react on your request within 4 weeks after receipt of the request.

What is personal data?

Personal data is information that says something about you. The best known forms of personal data are your name, address, email address, age and date of birth. Personal data also includes your bank account number, phone number and your IP address. We may only use special personal data if this is permitted by law or if consent for this specific processing is obtained. In all other situations, we are prohibited from using this special personal data.

What is the legal basis for our processing of your personal data?

Processing of personal data is only allowed when it is based on one of the “grounds” permitted by law. We use your personal data for one or more of the following legal grounds:
  • Necessary for the performance of our agreement with you (for example a subscription)
  • Legitimate interest of AMEA or others
  • Necessary for compliance with a legal obligation
  • The data subject has given consent

For what purposes do we use your personal data?

We use your personal data to help make our operations and our services as effective, reliable and efficient as possible. AMEA will not collect more personal data than reasonably required to achieve the purposes as described in this Privacy Statement. We at least use your data for the following purposes:
  • to maintain the relationship between you and AMEA
  • to inform you about the use of our websites
  • to be able to conclude an agreement with you and provide you with the services
  • to inform you about your subscription or membership
  • to enable you to access our websites•to send you direct marketing messages related to the services you obtain
  • for automatic monitoring of statistical information to determine how our websites are being used (i.e. by using Google Analytics)
  • because of an obligation by law