Business Development Services (BDS) markets are currently clearly dysfunctional in many countries. AMEA’s BDS surveys confirm this. A more strategic approach to BDS is needed. AMEA believes every agri-system must be evidence-based and data driven, which enables learning, improvement, and accountability. This applies to everyone in the value chain, including the BDS providers. AMEA has six propositions for transforming the BDS market system as listed below.

These propositions together with the recommendations from SCALE and the ISF study on BDS cost effectiveness have been taken into BDS Roadmap processes in each country. We call on all stakeholders to invest in BDS market systems change.

Propositions for transforming the bds market system

Standards are necessary to improve the quality of BDS

Sustainable local BDS ecosystems require guiding principles

A standardized assessment process is required for more cost-effective, scalable and integrated approaches

Data sharing has the potential to generate synergies and enable learning and improvement

Digital innovations will enable scaling

Reaching the poor will still require subsidies where market-based services are not yet possible