Benin Market Scope Study: Terms of Reference

We are looking to conduct a comprehensive market assessment in Benin, focused on farmer organisations and the role of the AMEA network.
Several of Benin’s key agricultural value chains are comprised of smallholders, farmers organizations and agri-SMEs (including cooperative societies). Many smallholders and their cooperatives in Benin lack the managerial and technical capacities needed to act as professional businesses which hinders their access to finance and new markets. Furthermore, the development and capacity- building sector is characterized by a fragmented approach to building business management capacity and a disconnect with market opportunities, buyers, banks, and input providers. In addition, services provided by national extension institutions to farmers are limited and not satisfactory for these farmers. The Benin Government has installed the national Fund of the development of the agricultural sector and has devoted 150 million EUR in 2020 to mitigate COVID-19 negative effects. However, this fund has not been fully utilized and the lack of capacities of farmers’ organizations and agricultural entrepreneurs is one contributing factor.
The overall objective of this assignment is to conduct a comprehensive market assessment of the landscape of farmers organizations/coops professionalization with the perspective to identify the key challenges and the role that AMEA network can play. Results of this study will be used as the basis for structuring AMEA Benin’s efforts to advance its mission.
All the proposals should be submitted to no later than 10th September 2021.
For more information, please contact Oniankitan Gregoire Agai (West Africa Regional Network Facilitator). Please see below for the full Terms of Reference.
Professionnalisation des organisations /coopératives agricoles et Accès durable à des marchés d’intrants et de produits au Bénin – Étude exploratoire
L’objectif général de cette mission est de réaliser une évaluation complète du marché de la professionnalisation des organisations agricoles/coopératives dans le but d’identifier les principaux défis et le rôle que le réseau AMEA peut jouer. Les résultats de cette étude seront utilisés comme base pour structurer les efforts de l’AMEA Bénin pour faire avancer sa mission.
Toutes les propositions doivent être soumises à : au plus tard le 10 septembre 2021. Pour plus d’informations, veuillez contacter Oniankitan Gregoire Agai (Facilitateur du réseau régional WA)