Annual Learning Event 2024

On 25 and 26 June 2024, AMEA held its fourth Annual Learning Event (ALE). Our aim was to:   Inspire you by inviting four key-note speakers to share their BDS Visions! ​Provide learning from across the Network​ ​Generate debate​ ​Provide ideas for partnership​ ​Launch our Global Learning into Action Initiative read the summary here BDS […]

Cooperative-driven development in Ethiopia (technical note)

Nuru has developed an adaptive and locally-led cooperative development approach that has a lifetime of five to seven years, after which, as the cooperatives become increasingly self-reliant, Nuru exits the communities. Nuru’s model and approach is examined in this case study by reviewing BDS activities implemented from 2016 to 2022. As of 2022, Nuru supported […]

Cooperative-driven development in Ethiopia (case study)

Nuru has developed an adaptive and locally-led cooperative development approach that has a lifetime of five to seven years, after which, as the cooperatives become increasingly self-reliant, Nuru exits the communities. Nuru’s model and approach is examined in this case study by reviewing BDS activities implemented from 2016 to 2022. As of 2022, Nuru supported […]

AMEA Annual Learning Event

This report is AMEA’s first Annual Learning Report and synthesizes the learning from case studies undertaken in 2020. It begins by outlining the purpose of this report and providing a short overview of the case studies and their outcomes. The report then discusses the lessons learned and ends with a learning agenda for 2021. Download […]