Agri-Market support in Uganda (case study)
Self-Help Africa (SHA) implemented WFP’s Agriculture and Market Support (AMS) project in the districts of Adjumani and Kiryandongo, Uganda. This case study delves into the results (2022-2023).
Inclusive horticulture in Tanzania (case study)
This case study examines Rikolto’s “Building Inclusive and Competitive Horticulture
Businesses” (BICHOBS) project in Tanzania’s Southern Highlands.
How participation in data-driven agri-BDS studies changed ADC Uganda’s operations
How participating in the ISF data-driven agri_BDS study changed ADC Uganda’s operations and data collection
Annual Learning Event 2024
On 25 and 26 June 2024, AMEA held its fourth Annual Learning Event (ALE). Our aim was to: Inspire you by inviting four key-note speakers to share their BDS Visions! Provide learning from across the Network Generate debate Provide ideas for partnership Launch our Global Learning into Action Initiative read the summary here BDS […]
Corus International’s Food Safety Tool
With funding from the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) through the AMEA network, Corus International created an innovative Food Safety-First (FS-First) Budget Tool to help farmer organizations’ ability to cost out and plan steps to enhance their professionalism and meet food safety standards for their buyers and consumers. The tool provides a step-by-step guide […]
CNFA agro-dealer training program in Rwanda
From May to June 2023, a joint initiative between CNFA and SCOPEinsight, with support from AMEA, aimed to assess the effectiveness and impact of capacity-building services provided to agro-input retailers under the CNFA-implemented Hinga Weze program in Rwanda. The flagship Hinga Weze program, funded by USAID with $32.6 million USD and implemented by CNFA from […]
AMEA Annual Learning Event
This report is AMEA’s first Annual Learning Report and synthesizes the learning from case studies undertaken in 2020. It begins by outlining the purpose of this report and providing a short overview of the case studies and their outcomes. The report then discusses the lessons learned and ends with a learning agenda for 2021. Download […]
Strengthening local malt barley supply chains in Ethiopia
Implementer: IFC and HeinekenPartners: AMEA, SCOPEinsight, Precise Consult, EUCORDFunders: Heineken and IFCGeography of intervention: Primarily 6 zones in the Oromia region, Ethiopia:Arsi, West Arsi, Bale, West Shewa, Southwest Shewa and North Shewa. Piloting in EastWollega, Oromia, and 2 zones in Amhara: North and South GondarAuthors: Hileena Eshetu, Filipe Di Matteo and Mark Blackett Download the […]
Blended learning using AMEA tools (ALP & SCOPE)
Implementer: Africa Turnaround Ltd. (ATL)Partners: AMEA, SCOPEinsight, Mastercard Foundation and a regional financial institutionGeography of intervention: Six regions in KenyaAuthors: Margaret Anderson, Filipe Di Matteo and Mark Blackett Download the case study here