lessons from AGRA’s Input Finance Model in Ghana and Burkina Faso

This case study examines the risk-sharing input finance model implemented by one of AMEA’s members, AGRA, in Ghana and Burkina Faso over the past several years. Following a successful proof of concept in Ghana, AGRA replicated the model with context-specific adaptations in Burkina Faso beginning in 2019 (with first financing taking place in 2020). The input finance model is currently active in Ghana, Burkina Faso and Mali. This case study examines the implementation of the model in Ghana 6 and Burkina Faso to shed light on how the model functions, its potential for improving access to smallholder finance, and tips for replicating and scaling up similar approaches in other countries, contexts and value chains.


Authors: Myka Reinsch Sinclair with Inclusive Finance Accelerators (IFA). Field research support was provided by IFA consultants Boureima Bado and Korsi Ashong. May 2023.