Meet our new Global Member: SOCODEVI

AMEA is excited to have SOCODEVI join our network as a global member. SOCODEVI supports cooperatives and mutuals as tools and effective levers for inclusive and sustainable socio-economic development. SOCODEVI is currently working in 17 countries on 30 projects which improve the living conditions of over 1 200 000 people in more than 275 cooperative organisations. This includes projects in Latin America and West Africa – two of AMEA’s focus areas for intervention.
SOCODEVI’s portfolio of projects enables the development, optimisation and deployment of tools and actions to grow their impact on populations. In addition to a comprehensive methodology to support cooperatives called “PerformCoop Approach”, considerable effort has been devoted to improving monitoring and evaluation expertise as well as advisory support in gender equality, agricultural insurance, commercialization, and communities’ adaptation to climate change. SOCODEVI also develops relationships with financial partners, including co-financing of projects from the private sector.
A key focus for SOCODEVI is creating impactful partnerships, multi-sectoral alliances and consortia with other international cooperation organisations. SOCODEVI has an extensive network of cooperative and mutualist enterprises and institutions in Canada with a very high level of expertise. This network contributes to all of SOCODEVI’s projects and activities through technical assistance assignments in the field, tool and development-strategy sharing, and a board of directors that ensures quality governance.
As our core business is to support cooperatives in becoming autonomous, profitable, inclusive and sustainable, being in a network as AMEA to share lessons learned and best practices is a great opportunity. We are looking forward to fruitful exchanges with other members from the global and the local networks of AMEA
Virginie Lessaveur, Directrice Stratégie, Politiques et Développement Coopératif, SOCODEVI
SOCODEVI’s vision and activities resonate with the AMEA network. We look forward to supporting SOCODEVI’s impressive work, facilitating future collaborations with like-minded AMEA members and learning from SOCODEVI’s 35 years of experience in working with cooperatives.
For more information about SOCODEVI, see their website or follow SOCODEVI on LinkedIn.
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