Ethiopia Local Network hosts BDS Workshop

On 22 March 2022, the AMEA Ethiopia Local Network organized a day for members and partners, including a workshop to develop a strategy for improving business development services (BDS) for farmer organizations (FOs). Participants included AMEA members and partners, as well as a number of private BDS providers. AMEA’s global Network Director and Program Officer were also in attendance. […]

Meet our new Global Member: SOCODEVI

AMEA is excited to have SOCODEVI join our network as a global member. SOCODEVI supports cooperatives and mutuals as tools and effective levers for inclusive and sustainable socio-economic development. SOCODEVI is currently working in 17 countries on 30 projects which improve the living conditions of over 1 200 000 people in more than 275 cooperative […]

We welcome SNV as a local member in Ethiopia

We are pleased to announce that SNV in Ethiopia has joined AMEA as a Local Member. SNV is a not-for-profit international development organisation working to raise incomes and provide access to basic services for those living in poverty. SNV focuses on agriculture, energy and, Water and Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) with a long-term, local presence in […]