Agri-business cluster program in Benin (case study)

This case study analyzes the roles played by aggregators within ABCs and how 2SCALE supported small producers and micro-entrepreneurs in the Benin pineapple value chain to have a balance of power with value chain actors.

Agri-Market support in Uganda (case study)

Self-Help Africa (SHA) implemented WFP’s Agriculture and Market Support (AMS) project in the districts of Adjumani and Kiryandongo, Uganda. This case study delves into the results (2022-2023).

TREE Consulting joins AMEA

TREE Consulting joins us a as a local member in Cote d’Ivoire. Lern more about their work in this article.

Annual Learning Event 2024

On 25 and 26 June 2024, AMEA held its fourth Annual Learning Event (ALE). Our aim was to:   Inspire you by inviting four key-note speakers to share their BDS Visions! ​Provide learning from across the Network​ ​Generate debate​ ​Provide ideas for partnership​ ​Launch our Global Learning into Action Initiative read the summary here BDS […]