
active areas

network facilitator


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strategic partners


The Ethiopia Local Network has been active since 2018 and is currently led by Cordaid. The network has eight official members (six global, two local) and a number of organisations engaged on thematic interest. Our vision is to cultivate a local network with active membership and strong internal and external linkages, that applies the AMEA Framework toward the goal of accelerating the development of professional farmer organisations.

FOcus AReas

  • Facilitate knowledge and lesson sharing between key stakeholders


  • Harmonize the efforts of capacity building actors through the use of a common language on professional Farmer Organisations.


  • Encourage the use of standardized, proven, tools for assessment and capacity building of Farmer Organisations


  • Contribute to the improvement of the delivery of business development services for Farmer Organisations


  • Increase the efficiency of members’ efforts by introducing innovative approaches that incorporate agricultural technology


  • Support key capacity building actors to understand how to help Farmer Organisations to access financing through improved technical assistance

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