Annual Learning Event 2024

On 25 and 26 June 2024, AMEA held its fourth Annual Learning Event (ALE). Our aim was to:   Inspire you by inviting four key-note speakers to share their BDS Visions! ​Provide learning from across the Network​ ​Generate debate​ ​Provide ideas for partnership​ ​Launch our Global Learning into Action Initiative read the summary here BDS […]

Honduras Roadmap

The Honduras BDS Roadmap process is still at an early stage but is expected to progress significantly in 2024 with FUNDER taking up the role of Local Network Lead. They will build upon the 4 pillars agreed in previous discussions and use the milestones indicated below to guide the work. This Roadmap process is open […]

Corus International’s Food Safety Tool

With funding from the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) through the AMEA network, Corus International created an innovative Food Safety-First (FS-First) Budget Tool to help farmer organizations’ ability to cost out and plan steps to enhance their professionalism and meet food safety standards for their buyers and consumers. The tool provides a step-by-step guide […]

AMEA Annual Learning Event

This report is AMEA’s first Annual Learning Report and synthesizes the learning from case studies undertaken in 2020. It begins by outlining the purpose of this report and providing a short overview of the case studies and their outcomes. The report then discusses the lessons learned and ends with a learning agenda for 2021. Download […]

AMEA Updates August 2023

All the latest news from the AMEA network. Updates on our BDS roadmap work, Local Network activities and key learning products.

AMEA Updates December 2022

All the latest news from the AMEA network. Updates on our latest funding, new local networks and current BDS and Access to Finance work.

BDS Study launched in Honduras

Earlier this year, the AMEA Local Network in Honduras commissioned a study to assess the current state of Business Development Services (BDS) and the potential opportunities to leverage effectiveness, sustainability, and scalability in the BDS market.   In June 2022, Rikolto and AMEA organised an initial feedback workshop to allow AMEA members and key partners […]