Corus International’s Food Safety Tool

With funding from the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) through the AMEA network, Corus International created an innovative Food Safety-First (FS-First) Budget Tool to help farmer organizations’ ability to cost out and plan steps to enhance their professionalism and meet food safety standards for their buyers and consumers. The tool provides a step-by-step guide […]
Cooperative-driven development in Ethiopia (technical note)

Nuru has developed an adaptive and locally-led cooperative development approach that has a lifetime of five to seven years, after which, as the cooperatives become increasingly self-reliant, Nuru exits the communities. Nuru’s model and approach is examined in this case study by reviewing BDS activities implemented from 2016 to 2022. As of 2022, Nuru supported […]
Cooperative-driven development in Ethiopia (case study)

Nuru has developed an adaptive and locally-led cooperative development approach that has a lifetime of five to seven years, after which, as the cooperatives become increasingly self-reliant, Nuru exits the communities. Nuru’s model and approach is examined in this case study by reviewing BDS activities implemented from 2016 to 2022. As of 2022, Nuru supported […]
CNFA agro-dealer training program in Rwanda

From May to June 2023, a joint initiative between CNFA and SCOPEinsight, with support from AMEA, aimed to assess the effectiveness and impact of capacity-building services provided to agro-input retailers under the CNFA-implemented Hinga Weze program in Rwanda. The flagship Hinga Weze program, funded by USAID with $32.6 million USD and implemented by CNFA from […]
lessons from AGRA’s Input Finance Model (technical note)

This case study examines the risk-sharing input finance model implemented by one of AMEA’s members, AGRA, in Ghana and Burkina Faso over the past several years. Following a successful proof of concept in Ghana, AGRA replicated the model with context-specific adaptations in Burkina Faso beginning in 2019 (with first financing taking place in 2020). The […]
lessons from AGRA’s Input Finance Model in Ghana and Burkina Faso

This case study examines the risk-sharing input finance model implemented by one of AMEA’s members, AGRA, in Ghana and Burkina Faso over the past several years. Following a successful proof of concept in Ghana, AGRA replicated the model with context-specific adaptations in Burkina Faso beginning in 2019 (with first financing taking place in 2020). The […]
Meet AgNexus, our new Local member

AMEA is excited to announce that three new members have joined us in the last few months. We welcome AFAP as a global member.
We welcome Farm Africa as a member

AMEA is excited to announce that three new members have joined us in the last few months. We welcome Farm Africa as a local member in Kenya.
AMEA Updates August 2023

All the latest news from the AMEA network. Updates on our BDS roadmap work, Local Network activities and key learning products.
Cooperative Society Fridays: a webinar series

A series of webinars hosted by AMEA Benin and Côte d’Ivoire focused on key issues facing cooperatives in West Africa